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His beautiful face had by this point only graced the screen in William Higgins's Rapture, where he was billed as Jan Dvorak. Since making this movie, Novotny has become a big sensation. Steele is one of the finest tops to ever grace the industry, and here he finds perfect synchronicity with Novotny.

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What gives this movie the edge is not its first-class sex, or its well-paced editing, but the inspired casting of Chris Steele with Novotny. Also, it is the movie that turned Pavel Novotny into an international porn star. Studio 2000's Czech Point stands as one of the studio's hottest films, making our list of favorite Studio 2000 movies. Cast: Pavel Novotny (aka Jan Dvorak, Jaroslav, Max Orloff), Chris Steele, Nick Savage, Steve Harper, Michael Brandon, Geoff Ashton, Thomas Lloyd and Ales Hanak.

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